Discourse War between the Indonesian Government and the Indonesian Radicals


  • Zifirdaus Adnan University of New England


Critical discourse analysis, CDA, deradicalization, counter radicalisation, terrorism, radical groups,


There is no doubt that radicalism has become a major international issue for many contemporary governments, including the present Indonesian Government, since it can have a devastating effect on a country, especially on its economy. What the Indonesian Government considers to be radicals are Muslim mujahidin (fighters) or jihadists, who allow the use violence to achieve their goals. The government often call them ‘terrorists’, a term which has become highly discredited both in the Indonesian media and worldwide. These are also held to include those who aid them, or may choose to withhold information about them. A major method employed by the government to curb terrorism has been the establishment of the so-called 'deradicalization' program, the latter organized by its counter terrorism agency known as BNPT. However, unlike in some other countries where radicalization is harshly treated, the Indonesian Government is careful not to ban the expression of all radical views, perhaps fearing that suppressing these views could tarnish its democratic image. 

Author Biography

Zifirdaus Adnan, University of New England

University of New England


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