Connecting History and Drama in Oceania: The emergence of a New Caledonian drama


  • Sonia Lacabanne Université de la Nouvelle-Calédonie


New Caledonia, National Identity, Drama, travelling theory,


The purpose of this article is to give information about the staging of three plays: Kanake, The Arrest of the Japanese Man and The Gods are one-eyed. Their authors who were born and bred in New Caledonia have always shown a particular interest in their cultural heritage and the relations among the New-Caledonian communities. Their plays are also political events because they deal with subjects which had been totally obliterated so far. They provide access to a new social awareness in New-caledonia.

Author Biography

Sonia Lacabanne, Université de la Nouvelle-Calédonie

Sonia Lacabanne, Professor Emeritus of UNC (New Caledonia), is the editor & translator of a bilingual collection of short stories Youth in Literature, Short Stories of the Pacific (2016) and the author of Histoire littéraire d'Océaniens Anglophones (2012). For her other publications, see at:


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International and Comparative Studies