First notice of a Paleoindian site in central São Paulo State, Brazil: Bastos site, Dourado County

Astolfo Gomes de Mello Araujo, Letí­cia Correa


Bastos site, located in central São Paulo State, provided ages between 7,600 and 12,600 cal BP. The lithic industry is composed by flakes on silicified sandstone, with rare unifacial retouch, without formal artifacts. The site probably represents a habitation area in a river terrace, later covered by a colluvial fan. Refitting pieces attest the overall integrity of the spatial positioning of the archaeological materials. The site is the oldest found in São Paulo, and is contemporaneous to sites from Lagoa Santa and Pains regions, in Minas Gerais State. However, the lithic industry is unrelated to the ones found in these areas, suggesting the existence of a different Paleoindian group. 

Keywords: Paleoindians; Brazil; São Paulo State; Lithic industry; Geoarchaeology


Paleoindians; Brazil; São Paulo state; Lithic industry; Geoarchaeology

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