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Llista de verificació per preparar trameses

Com a part del procés de la tramesa, els autors/ores han de verificar que compleixen totes les condicions següents. En cas que no se segueixin aquestes instruccions, les trameses es podran retornar als autors/ores.

Directrius per a l’autor/a

The following is a list of article types which authors may submit. Since the journal is digital authors are encouraged to make use of a wide variety of media formats (e.g. video, audio, 3D images, supplementary data files) and should not feel limited to those formats traditional used in printed journals.

Authors who use EndNote can download the premade [EndNote style sheet] for this journal. Authors are highly encouraged to use citation software while writing articles.

Authors who use MS Word are encouraged to use the [premade template]. This template is already formatted and contains the preferred text styles.

All articles require a 200-500 word abstract.

Regular category articles

Authors may submit articles from this category without having contacted the editors in advance.

Research articles
Research articles should present original research on completed projects or significant discoveries and must present clear conclusions.
Word limit: 10000 words
Download the [instructions for authors].
Download an [example article].

Short reports
Short reports should present project descriptions. They may be either general reports on completed projects or significant updates for on-going projects. They do not necessarily need to present conclusions or conclusions could be preliminary.
Word limit: 3000 words

Special category articles

If you wish to write an article for one of the following categories, please contact someone on the editorial board to get approval in advance.

Summary, synthesis, and annotated bibliography articles
These articles present an overview of a particular topic or sub-field with a connection to Palaeoindian research. This may be research in a particular country or region. It may also be a historical overview of a topic (e.g. historical perspective of a prehistoric technology, or historical overview of a particular theory/model), or it may be a summary of knowledge about a culture or region itself or a scientific method. In general, these articles should include an overview of the history of the topic (e.g. history of research in the region) as well as an overview of the current research being done on the topic. They should contain a large bibliography so that readers can use the articles as a starting point for finding references. The author should indicate recommended references
Recommended word limit: 8000.
Descriptions of [different types of summary articles].

Short biographies of people involved in Palaeoindian researches.

Book reviews
Book reviews should an overall summary of the book as well as chapter summaries. The author should note the highlight or special aspects of this book. We particularly encourage reviews of books that are not in English as this helps disseminate information that readers in other countries may not otherwise know about.
Word limit: 500

Authors must declare whether they have reviewed the same book for another journal, and if so they should send us a copy of the other review. This declaration should be made before requesting to be assigned a book review. The journal might publish a book review which the reviewer has already reviewed for another journal if the new review is significantly different from the previous one and either it is a general book of importance to Palaeoindian researchers as a whole or the original review was published in a way which limits its dissemination (grey literature, small or regional publication, print only publication, in other language, self-published). The editors of the journal will decide on a case-by-case basis. If someone intends to review a book for us which they have already reviewed, they are advised to let us know about the situation before writing the review.
Download the [book review template].

Event reviews
These articles give a summary of an event (e.g. a conference, workshop, lecture series, etc.). They should include opinions and may include a few images.
Word limit: 750 words
Download the [event review template].

Interviews may be conducted with well-known or otherwise important people in the field of Palaeoindian research. This category of article is presented mainly in the form of an audio file accompanied by an abstract, a transcript of the audio file and short commentary (up to 300 words) which is not part of the audio transcript. In addition to contacting the editorial board for approval to submit an interview, interview questions and discussion points must also be presented to the editors for review prior to conducting the actual interview.
Time limit: flexible but 10 minutes is ideal

Image galleries
Images (individual or sets) of artefacts, assemblages, or sites which have some special importance may be published in the journal. These may be sets of artefacts which clearly demonstrate particular traditions. They may also be exemplary examples of a particular artefact which has recently been found. All images or sets of images must be accompanied by an abstract.

Letters to the editor
These are short replies or comments by readers relating to an article in journal, particularly important additions to the topic of the article. Authors should clearly state which article they are commenting on, and if applicable they should cite the passage in which they are specifically interested. Letters should be concise and objective.

Research Articles

Research articles should present original research on completed projects or significant discoveries and must present clear conclusions. Research articles must contain the raw data either within the articles or as an attached supplementary file (referenced in the article). 
Word limit: 10000 words
Download the instructions for authors
Download an example article 

Short Reports

Short reports should present project descriptions. They may be either general reports on completed projects or significant updates for on-going projects. They do not necessarily need to present conclusions or conclusions could be preliminary.
Word limit: 3000 words

Summary, synthesis, and annotated bibliography articles

These articles present an overview of a particular topic or sub-field. This may be research in a particular country or region. It may also be a historical overview of a topic (e.g. historical perspective of a prehistoric technology, or historical overview of a particular theory), or it may be a summary of knowledge about a specific topic. In general, these articles should include an overview of the history of the topic (e.g. history of archaoelogical research in the region) as well as an overview of the current research being done on the topic. They should contain a large bibliography so that readers can use the articles as a starting point for finding references. The author should indicate recommended references. New data is not necessary for these articles.
Recommended word limit: 8000 words.
Descriptions of different types of summary articles.


Short biographies of people involved in Palaeoindian researches.

Book reviews

Book reviews should include an overall summary of the book as well as chapter summaries. The author should note the highlights or special aspects of this book. We particularly encourage reviews of books that are not in English as this helps disseminate information that readers in other countries may not otherwise know about.
Authors must declare whether they have reviewed the same book for another journal, and if so they should send us a copy of the other review. This declaration should be made before requesting to be assigned a book review. The journal might publish a book review which the reviewer has already reviewed for another journal if the new review is significantly different from the previous one and either it is a general book of importance to Palaeoindian researchers as a whole or the original review was published in a way which limits its dissemination (grey literature, small or regional publication, print only publication, in other language, self-published). The editors of the journal will decide on a case-by-case basis. If someone intends to review a book for us which they have already reviewed, they are advised to let us know about the situation before writing the review.

Length: maximum two pages (including the title, cover image, and first page footer)

Download the book review template.

Event reviews

These articles give a summary of an event (e.g. a conference, workshop, lecture series, etc.). They should include opinions and may include a few images.
Length: maximum two pages (including the title, first page footer, and figures)
Download the event review template.

Methodology demonstrations

These articles should explain a new or modified methodology tested by the authors. Authors are encouraged to use a variety of media types (e.g. video, screen shot images, 3D images) in addition to a short written text. Methodology demonstrations do not necessarily need to present conclusions but opinions on the method including its benefits as well as short-comings should be discussed. 
Word limit: 2000 words



Interviews may be conducted with well-known or otherwise important people in the field of Palaeoindian research. This category of article is presented mainly in the form of an audio file accompanied by an abstract, a transcript of the audio file and short commentary (up to 300 words) which is not part of the audio transcript. In addition to contacting the editorial board for approval to submit an interview, interview questions and discussion points must also be presented to the editors for review prior to conducting the actual interview.
Time limit: flexible but 10 minutes is ideal

Image galleries

Images (individual or sets) of artefacts, assemblages, or sites which have some special importance may be published in the journal. These may be sets of artefacts which clearly demonstrate particular traditions. They may also be exemplary examples of a particular artefact which has recently been found. All images or sets of images must be accompanied by an abstract.

Letters to the editor

These are short replies or comments by readers relating to an article in journal, particularly important additions to the topic of the article. Authors should clearly state which article they are commenting on, and if applicable they should cite the passage in which they are specifically interested. Letters should be concise and objective.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.